
Featured Image: The Wedding Blog in Australia!

Erica should be so proud of all the work she did for her November wedding! Not only was it picked up by the wedding chicks, but one of the images was picked up by The Wedding Blog in Australia for a color palette of "cloud and cream". I can't take credit for the awesome color scheme, but I am super excited to see that other people are loving her wedding as much as I did. Thanks again, Erica! And thank you, The Wedding Blog!

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Baby Anna, 3 mo

Anna turned 3 months old last week and I had the pleasure of commemorating with a photo session! She is learning how to hold her head up and sit up with support. She's already very talkative with her coos and Connor, her mom, told me she laughed for the first time recently at a silly sound she (Connor) made.

How fun to watch babies grow up! Fortunately for me, one of our good friends will be having a baby in July so we'll get lots of baby time! Until then, I think I'll enjoy these images, which already have a permanent smile on my face.

 What a killer cute smile!

Connor's mom made this adorable blue dress! I hope sewing skills come with being a mom, otherwise I feel sorry for my future children.

Thank you Connor! It truly was a delight and I can't wait to see how much she grows in the next few months!

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Sneak Peek: Anna's 3 month session

I couldn't wait. Here is my favorite photo from my most recent shoot.

More cuteness coming up shortly.

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Wedding Recap: Reception Part II

Finally another post! One of my biggest goals is to finish up our wedding recap! Head over to dash, pinch, smidgen for my chatter.

Photos by Kristen Stewart Photography and Je Vois Photography, editing by Spindle Photography.

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Featured on the Wedding Chicks! Hip Hip!

Exciting news! Spindle Photography was featured on The Wedding Chicks (really great inspiration blog that I personally subscribed to as a bride!) last week! I'd love for you to take a peek around their site and leave a comment (especially if you know Erica! her wedding was amazing!).

Either way, hooray! It is fabulous to see Erica's wedding where it belongs, amongst all of the other fabulous weddings they feature!

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Lexie Dorsett

Lexie Dorsett is a delightfully effervescent person that I had the privilege of photographing in promotion of her move to NYC this upcoming April!  Lexie is currently studying at the conservatory at University of Cincinnati and has starred in some productions of note including Hair and High School Musical. It was so fun to hang out with her for the day and I really felt like the shooting was secondary. I'll update you all when her website is ready, but until then enjoy the photos!

And finally, my absolute favorite and potentially in my top 10 favorites ever:

Tell me what you think!

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