I'm sure you are all wondering what the hold up is on posts! I apologize, I'm sorting some things out and working on some new things, getting business stuff together, and starting out some new adventures with another local photographer. Here are some of my favorite images from a recent engagement shoot I tagged along on with Amelia, check out her blog for more from the day.
Emily and Matt were keen on some urban chic, so our first stop was a set of train tracks downtown. Where a few minutes into the shoot an engine went through hauling army tanks for what seemed like miles. That didn't last long.

Emily's killer dress is from the Sak's outlet. You didn't know there was a saks outlet? We didn't either. Thanks for the tip. I don't think it can make me tall & tan like Emily, though.

Meet Cooper, Emily & Matt's dog. Emily heard that dogs "will do anything for cheese" so she brought some string cheese along on the shoot. Cooper does like cheese, but I don't think he grasped the "do anything" part. He was super sweet and fun, though, and they make a really cute fam.
We also made it out to the Continental Bakery next to Chez Lulu where I learned a lot about bread (real french bread can only be made with four ingredients, for example, water, flour, yeast, and salt. thus, it's fat free!). If you haven't been to either I highly recommend it. The Chocolate Brioche is delicious, and at Chez Lulu you can't go wrong with the chevre salad or the walnut, goat cheese, and pear sandwich. Less important that how gorgeous they both look here, in my favorite shots of the day.

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