Here are some of my favorites from a recent wedding with Emily Kicklighter. Lauren and John Ed are such a sweet couple, and I know I say that about everyone, but maybe marrying the person you love makes you sweet! Enjoy!
Check out the couch/drapery in the bride's room! Oak Mountain Presbyterian is a really pretty church and the bride's room was one of the best I've seen!
it's so fun to watch the couple see each other for the first time!
The DJ was great, and it turns out that he just got engaged recently! DJ love is great. Especially when captured during a wedding. Emily recently photographed their engagement shoot! Awesome! The venue was great as well, Park Lane which is exclusively catered through Kathy G. There's a really cool 1930s style bar, and I was actually considering the venue for our wedding!
So, towards the end of the night when you've gotten loads of awesome dancing shots, you start to experiment a little. Hence the random double exposures that look really cool despite serving little purpose. Bonus points to the person who can guess what the mom is dancing to.

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