It won't be hard to figure out why I was in love with this shoot even without meeting Jen. I actually met her when her best friend, Linden, got married last May. Linden and I have been friends since working together at McAlister's a few years ago and you may recognize her name from various blogposts.
Jen teaches 3rd grade (I'm jealous, because I love love love little kids), and they teach her about all of the varieties of berries, strawberries, blueberries, and lyeberries (you can get books there). She and her husband Jan were awesome enough to put me up for two nights in Jan's hometown at his parent's house, which can be reached by maneuvering up a treacherous mountain. I'm sure they can tell I grew up in Eastern NC, I'm no mountain girl.
That being said, Burnsville was a photographer's dream, so gorgeous, and it was meaningful to Jen & Jan since he'd grown up there and brought Jen back when they were dating in college.
The image above is hanging in Jan's grandfather's barn and it's a photo of Jan's great-grandfather. Jen & Jan's main request was to recreate it, and while it turns out the negative must've been backwards when they produced the print, we managed to figure it out and I am so pleased with the result! I'm hoping they'll frame and hang it with the original.
Every wedding dress deserves its own shot.
Another favorite, bring on the corn fields.
Jan's reading men are from mars, women are from venus. And the woman from the bookstore, Main Street Books, was so excited to have us there that she took a picture of us with her digital camera as well! Wedding dresses attract a teensy bit of attention.
TTD requires at least a little bit of water.
In case you did a double take, this is a different dress. Jen's mom made this dress when she got married and altered it for Jen to trash it! I would wear this dress now, definitely. If I looked like Jen, that is. I didn't get to see it with sleeves, but it's a winner, especially when we get to submerge it in a river.
I am in love with this one. love is the codeword today, apparently.
Just for fun, we did a ring shot. Or, just because Linden and I are both obsessed with them. Either way, Garrett (my husband) loves it, and that makes my silliness worth it.
If you are considering being talked into doing a TTD, let me know and I will sic my fan club on you, Linden and Jen are both huge fans. You can be like Linden and really trash your dress (dirt, chlorine, and scissors, oh my!) or pick a stand in for the dirty stuff. But it really is so fun and I'm planning a "day after" session for me & Garrett to get some more photo-ops of the dress I will be so happy to wear again. Yay!

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